Updated: 2010-10-31 14:35:49
Blog Events Multimedia About Purpose Programs Publications Staff Contact Join Login Register Subscribe to : Technoprogressive BioConservative Huh Quick overview of biopolitical points of view Kurzweil , Turkle , Arkin , Hughes on being Human Being in an Inhuman Age How close are we to being replaced by robots The Posthuman Mind Continued : On Simulating Conscious Awareness of Homeostasis IEET Readers Would Relax Drug Laws Brains are to Minds as Birds are to Flight Beyond the Obvious Lessons from the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Faith and Science pt1 Are we in the future yet What you can’t say about Islam The backlash against Elizabeth Moon Designing Lions to Lie with Lambs Mike Treder on What you can't say about Islam The backlash against Elizabeth Moon Oct 31, 2010 Giulio Prisco on Are we
Updated: 2010-10-31 14:35:49
Only 5% of IEET readers would keep drug laws as they are or would make them even more restrictive, according to a recently concluded poll. A large majority favors more liberal approaches.
Updated: 2010-10-31 14:35:49
Blog Events Multimedia About Purpose Programs Publications Staff Contact Join Login Register Subscribe to : Technoprogressive BioConservative Huh Quick overview of biopolitical points of view Kurzweil , Turkle , Arkin , Hughes on being Human Being in an Inhuman Age How close are we to being replaced by robots The Posthuman Mind Continued : On Simulating Conscious Awareness of Homeostasis IEET Readers Would Relax Drug Laws Brains are to Minds as Birds are to Flight Beyond the Obvious Lessons from the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Faith and Science pt1 Are we in the future yet What you can’t say about Islam The backlash against Elizabeth Moon Designing Lions to Lie with Lambs Mike Treder on What you can't say about Islam The backlash against Elizabeth Moon Oct 31, 2010 Giulio Prisco on Are we
Updated: 2010-10-31 14:35:49
PBS NewsHour science correspondent Miles O’Brien reports on efforts to engineer robots that are eerily similar to humans and animals.
Updated: 2010-10-31 14:35:49
When we sit back and think about how matter in its simplest stable macro form like protons, neutrons, and electrons, with properties that have the ability to retain information about how to carry on its complexity within different environmental factors, we reach a point where we can imagine these stable forms of matter becoming processes of life. We naturally use our mind to create conceptions of the nature of physical and chemical processes.
Updated: 2010-10-22 21:13:32
, Arts Living Cryonics Death Health Neuroscience Science Society Depressed Metabolism Cryonics , Life Extension , Anti-Aging , Health , Science , Neuroscience , Death , Liberty Subscribe Subscribe by email About Authors What is cryonics Sitemap Cryonics , trans-temporal communism and future squatters By Aschwin de Wolf on October 22nd , 2010 Cryonics advocate Eugen Leitl puts forward some hard-hitting and thought-provoking observations about cryonics reminiscent of Mike Darwin’s more recent thoughts on the subject Cryonics , like Natural Selection , or the theories of General and Special Relativity , is core-smashing in character , and in the case of cryonics , the idea is so antithetical to the existing order of civilization that it can it only be advanced by insurgent means . This is so
Updated: 2010-10-19 17:54:48
Arts Living Cryonics Death Health Neuroscience Science Society Depressed Metabolism Cryonics , Life Extension , Anti-Aging , Health , Science , Neuroscience , Death , Liberty Subscribe Subscribe by email About Authors What is cryonics Sitemap Meta-research and medical skepticism By Aschwin de Wolf on October 19th , 2010 The Atlantic features an important article about meta-researcher” Athina Tatsioni , who has published a number of influential papers about the quality of biomedical : research He and his team have shown , again and again , and in many different ways , that much of what biomedical researchers conclude in published studies—conclusions that doctors keep in mind when they prescribe antibiotics or blood-pressure medication , or when they advise us to consume more fiber or less
Updated: 2010-10-16 11:47:22
Last month, I wrote about the challenges of building one transhumanist vision of the future; digital worlds in which humans exist as data, sort of like The Matrix but leaving the physical body behind in the process. Never mind the countless biological challenges and biological limits involved for now, just living in a world that [...]
Updated: 2010-10-08 23:52:06
Arts Living Cryonics Death Health Neuroscience Science Society Depressed Metabolism Cryonics , Life Extension , Anti-Aging , Health , Science , Neuroscience , Death , Liberty Subscribe Subscribe by email About Authors What is cryonics Sitemap Mark Plus on cryonics and double standards By Aschwin de Wolf on October 8th , 2010 One of the mysterious things about cryonics is that some of the arguments that are invoked against it would be considered ridiculous , or even insensitive , if they would be raised in the context of other live-saving technologies . As Alcor member Mark Plus : writes Why do we call engineering efforts to solve a hard problem which haven’t worked so far failures , 8221 while some people call cryonics’ attempts at intervening into the death process denial” The difference